Essential Python Commands For Virtual Environment.
Virtual Environment In Python
A virtual environment in Python is an isolated workspace that allows you to install and manage packages independently for each project. This isolation is essential because different projects often require different versions of the same packages, and managing them globally (system-wide) can lead to version conflicts. Virtual environments solve this problem by creating a separate environment with its own dependencies, Python binaries, and configurations.
Check Your Python Version
This command give your python version if you have installed python in your system.
python --version # For python version
pip --version # For pip version
Create A Virtual Environment
To create a new virtual environment for your project.
cd your_project_dir # Go to your project Dir
python3 -m venv your_venv_name # it will create a new virtual environment for python3 in linux
python -m venv your_venv_name # For window work for both python3 or 2
python3 -m venv django_ecommerce
Note: If venv not installed in your system then install it using bellow command
sudo apt install python3-venv # For linux user
Activate Your Virtual Environment
To Activate your virtual environment in Linux/Mac
cd your_project_dir # Where virtual env created
source virtual_env_name/bin/activate # This will activate your virtual env FOR Linux/Mac
To Activate venv in windows
cd your_project_dir # Where virtual env created
YourENvName\Scripts\activate # For windows
After activate your venv you will see your venv
(django_ecommerce) shanikr@LAPTOP-SG055VUT:~/django_projects$ # Activated virtual env name before your username
Deactivate Your Virtual Environment
To deactivate virtial env
deactivate # For activated virtual env
Check Installed Packages In Python
You can check your installed packages using following command
pip list # It will give you all installed packages list
Package Version
---------------------- -------------
acme 1.21.0
blinker 1.7.0
certbot 1.21.0
certbot-nginx 1.21.0
certifi 2020.6.20
chardet 4.0.0
click 8.1.7
command-not-found 0.3
ConfigArgParse 1.5.3
configobj 5.0.6
cryptography 3.4.8
Check Specific Package version
pip show packagename
# if you dont know exact name you can follow this command
pip list | grep ‘package’ # For linux user
pip show flask
Name: Flask
Version: 3.0.2
Summary: A simple framework for building complex web applications.
Location: /home/shanikr/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages
Requires: blinker, click, itsdangerous, Jinja2, Werkzeug
To Uninstall package from your venv
By following command youcan uninstall your specific package
pip uninstall package_name
To create packages requirements.txt file
After working in local development you need to share your code for production or other developer. in this case you need to share your code as well as your all packages with their dependencies.
you can create requirements.txt file using this command
pip freeze > requirements.txt
To Install packages from requirements.txt file
You can use following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Keep learning keep growing!